Little Hallingbury Panto Group
Ann Hooker applying the make up for our 1988 production, Aladdin.
Richard Fountain as Granny Knott in 2012’s Red Riding Hood
For as long as I can remember, the make up department was been headed by Ann Hooker, who, since 1992 has been tucked away in the chair store at the back of the village hall in order to carry out her transformations. She has been ably abetted by Judy Evans, Julia Cakebread and Sue Tonkin.
For a long time, the wardrobe, and lost property, was run by Beryl Britten. With the help of June Turner and others. June is still involved, but this year we had Kate Fuller, who always seemed to have her sewing machine on the go. For a few years, we used the Costume Store in Great Dunmow to provide the outfits.